Care Coordination Experts

Reducing Overcrowding in Emergency Rooms

2017-04-02T13:28:38-04:00By |Care Coordination, Clinical Analysis, Services|

Overcrowding in Emergency Rooms (ERs) has been an issue of great concern as of recent years. There are a myriad of reasons why the ERs are overcrowded and ways to overcome. Let’s have a look at them. Expand Hospital Capacity By increasing the bed capacity, overcrowding can drastically go down. When there are more beds, more emergency patients can be admitted. When the population of a country grows, then obviously the number of bed capacity should be increased to avoid overcrowding. Many times, hospitals are perpetually full with admitted patients boarded inReducing overcrowding the ERs. Boarding of inpatients in the ERs is unquestionably the leading cause of overcrowding. While this seems like a simple option, there are infrastructure, costs, and the redesign of processes, to name a few, which need to occur in order to successfully add bed capacity.

Show Me the Money | Profitability Through Value-Based Purchasing

2023-06-29T12:06:18-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Care Coordination, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Physician Compensation, Services|

Summary: Are you ready for a shift in risk from payer to provider? Will you be ready for value-based purchasing when it becomes required? Are you utilizing other reimbursement models such as bundled payments, Accountable Care Organizations, and Population Health Management? From a provider perspective, healthcare reform is aimed at tightening the purse strings, working more efficiently, reducing waste, and improving quality. The shift of risk has begun which will transform healthcare from a fee-for-service to fee-for-value. When the ultimate transformation ends, is still uncertain. As such, fee-for-service is still being utilized and providers are still generating profits and revenue based on the volume mentality while simultaneously trying to transition to a volume and quantity mentality. Juggling the opposite ends of the spectrum is no easy task.

3 Reasons Your Readmission Rates Are Too High

2017-04-02T13:28:39-04:00By |Care Coordination, Clinical Operations Improvement, Readmissions|

Chances are, whether your on the administrative or clinical side of hospital operations, lowering readmission rates is high on your priority list. For administrators and financial officers, lowering the costs accrued from readmissions is paramount to staying under budget and for doctors and nurses, having patients prepared for life at home after discharge is the mark of truly community minded care. The patient-centered medical home purports medical decision making as an equal playing field; particularly when it comes to post-discharge measures of patient care.

Benefits of ACOs to Both Patients and Providers

2024-06-26T10:44:51-04:00By |Care Coordination, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, PCHCH Accreditation, Physician Compensation, Quality Improvement Programs, Services|

Summary: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are gaining in popularity as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Have you considered the benefits of ACOs from both the patient and provider perspectives? One of the goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is to provide coordinated care which, in turn, increases quality and efficiency within the healthcare field, and reduces costs. ACOs – What is an ACO? ACOs are groups of providers which form an organization based upon the Medical Home (or PCMH) concept. The Medical Home places responsibility for the coordination of care with the primary physician. The primary care physician coordinates with other physicians and providers such as specialty physicians, laboratories and diagnostic imaging, providing a central point for the patient’s medical information.

Bundled Payments | Rewarding Quality and Value

2017-04-02T13:28:40-04:00By |Care Coordination, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Services|

Summary: The healthcare industry is transforming from fee-for-service to value-based payment systems. One of the fairly new forms of reimbursement to hit the streets is bundled payments. Overview of Bundled Payments The Medicare reimbursement system is in the process of transforming healthcare as we know it from a traditional fee-for-service model to a system that rewards based on quality, care coordination, accountability, and healthcare cost savings.

Patient-Centered Focus Increases Revenue

2017-04-02T13:28:41-04:00By |Care Coordination, Financial, Medicare and Medicaid, Quality Improvement Programs, Readmissions, Services|

A patient-centered focus will provide optimal care for the patient which will in turn drive revenue. Do you remember the movie “Field of Dreams”? The basic premise was if you build a stadium they will come. We can adapt this adage to healthcare as well. So many organizations become so focused on the bottom line and don’t realize that if patients aren’t satisfied, they will not return to your facility, they will relay their bad experience to all of their friends, and you will lose revenue.

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