Revenue Cycle Improvement

Payers and Providers Value-Based Care Reimbursement

2024-06-14T09:14:45-04:00By |Population Health, Revenue Cycle Improvement, Uncategorized|

Value-based care reimbursement models (VBR) are becoming a popular choice for many healthcare providers and payers, as fee-for-service, (and traditional incentive based payment models), are phased out. According to a recent McKesson survey “Journey to Value: The State of Value-Based Reimbursement in 2016," 58% of payers and hospitals are planning to adopt value-based care reimbursement models.

6 Tips for Reducing Claims Denials

2023-08-12T07:26:39-04:00By |Revenue Cycle Improvement, Uncategorized|

Optimizing your revenue cycle starts with reducing denials. In order to do this, you must have an effective Denial Management strategy in place. According to a new HIMSS Analytics study, 56% of hospitals surveyed said they don’t use a vendor solution for claim denials. However, around 60% of those respondents are planning on purchasing a claims denials management tool within the next year. If you are part of the 40%, now may be the time to think about investing in tools for claims denials.

Turn Your Denials Around: Denial Management Focus

2023-09-11T15:25:35-04:00By |Revenue Cycle Improvement|

Health insurance claim denials could be causing your organization to lose a significant amount of revenue each year. An effective Denial Management strategy is one of the fastest ways to recoup lost revenue, and ensure that you are being paid for the care that you are providing. Studies indicate that approximately 25-30% of healthcare claims are rejected or denied. This results in millions of dollars of lost revenue each year. The majority of these losses can be avoided by implementing our unique denial management process.

5 Ways Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Reduces Errors & Increases Revenue

2017-04-02T13:28:09-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Financial, Financial Analysis, Revenue Cycle Improvement, Services|

With new advances in the way medical information is transcribed, stored and transferred, technology has created more variables to a provider’s success than ever before. Between tangling with mountains worth of paperwork, handling claims denials and riding the learning curve of new systems like EHRs and ICD-10 coding, there can be lots of room for error and, consequently, potential revenue that slips through the cracks. Luckily, revenue cycle management systems are here to help. They can streamline a vast array of your most intensive processes — like admitting, coding, balancing budgets, billing and filing claims — in order to provide a supreme level of oversight and control. This control in turn helps you avoid common RCM problems that lead to lost revenue, profitability and productivity.

Common Revenue Cycle Management Pitfalls to Avoid

2023-10-06T12:13:01-04:00By |Financial, Revenue Cycle Improvement|

When asked what the key to success is, most business owners will tell you the ability to stay competitive in the marketplace. Staying competitive is particularly important in the health care field where the financial success of a physician practice is fundamentally based on provider productivity and revenue cycle management. A practice that’s unable to reduce revenue leaks and increase their bottom line will have a hard time staying afloat. When it comes to minimizing costs and managing revenue, medical practices of all sizes make the same mistakes. Here are 7 common RCM pitfalls to avoid at all costs.

11 Tips To Help Manage Your Revenue Cycle in 2015

2023-10-06T12:08:02-04:00By |Revenue Cycle Improvement, Services, Strategic Planning|

Revenue cycle management (RCM) is incredibly important to a practice’s profitability. Without the ability to streamline the billing and collections processes, a medical enterprise will find it challenging to stay afloat. Managing your practice’s revenue cycle requires you and your staff to take an honest look at your current workflow to determine what’s working and what isn’t. Here are some things to focus on:

10 Tips for Minimizing Denials

2017-04-02T13:28:16-04:00By |Financial, Revenue Cycle Improvement|

No medical practice likes a high denial rate. Not only does it negatively impact your practice's revenue cycle, but it makes things more difficult and frustrating for your patients, too. So what are some tips for minimizing denials? This post goes over some of the most common causes for denied claims and can help you get back on the right track.

Pharmacy May Be The Answer To Reducing Healthcare Costs

2017-04-02T13:28:16-04:00By |Financial, Financial Analysis, Readmissions, Revenue Cycle Improvement|

Back in March, we talked about how the role of the pharmacist in the healthcare ecosystem has been expanding over the past decade. In addition to simple medication fulfillment, pharmacist now complete crucial patient aftercare, education, and vaccination administration. Many believe as the role of the pharmacist expands, they could become the key to reducing all kinds of healthcare costs. Here are three ways pharmacy is helping save costs for healthcare.

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