Trends in Healthcare

Prior Authorization Process Improvements

2024-02-07T07:48:44-04:00By |Payer Trends, Trends, Utilization Management|

Prior authorization is a utilization management process used by some health insurance companies for determining if the patient’s health policy covers a prescribed services, like procedures, tests, or medications, before services are rendered. While intended to control healthcare costs, prior authorizations can be a significant burden on healthcare providers and can delay patient care.

Top At-Risk Conditions and Utilization Spikes

2023-01-12T11:12:16-04:00By |Behavioral Health Integration, Mental Health, Payer Trends, Quality Improvement Programs, Revenue Cycle Improvement, Trends, Utilization Management|

Top At-Risk Conditions and utilization spikes that healthcare leaders and stakeholders across the industry must prepare to proactively address in the upcoming year highlight the recently released, 2023 State of Health – In The Aftermath Report. The report also presents predictive findings and explores the top contributing factors of many utilization increases.

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