Big Data in Healthcare

Healthcare Consumer Engagement Gap With Payers: They Want…?

2017-10-30T15:05:35-04:00By |Big Data, Health Insurance, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Trends|

Change Healthcare (CH) announced payer insights revealed in The Engagement Gap: Healthcare Consumer Engagement in 2017, a new national study of 89 payers, 251 providers, and 771 consumers. CH asked payers about the factors influencing their consumer-centric initiatives, and how these strategies are altering their organizations. Health plans surveyed were generally aligned in pointing to value-based care as the primary factor driving their focus on consumer-centricity, with 74% reporting it as the leading factor.

Health Plans Encourage Wearables; Few Integrate Data

2017-10-10T21:06:45-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Healthcare Preventitive Care, Quality Improvement Programs|

While health plans encourage wearables, the assessment of the benefits of wearables has been the target of several recent studies. Researches are interested in discovering the “stickiness” of the devices and their effect on wellness program success. The studies note that the Inside employer and payer wellness programs as well as the independent user reflect positively.

Health Plans Hit New Low: 360° View Of Trust In Healthcare

2017-10-03T19:26:16-04:00By |Big Data, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Trends|

Findings from the 11th Annual ReviveHealth Trust Index™ reveal trust in healthcare is dismal across the board, and trust in health plans hit new low. The survey represents the first 360-degree view of trust in healthcare – digging into consumer, physician, health plan, and health system executives’ views of each other – showing the industry as a whole has a long way to go. Factors driving widespread distrust in health plans by provider organizations include the hassle of doing business with payers and a lack of progress toward new models of payment and care. Consumers feel slighted by health plans as well, compared to the higher trust ratings in physicians and hospitals.

Healthcare Payer Operations Improve With More Data

2017-09-20T17:53:15-04:00By |Big Data, Financial Analysis, Healthcare IT|

As healthcare payer operations integrate new practices to align with the value-based care paradigm, payers are critically challenged with identifying root causes to solve issues in order to improve and sustain performance. BHM Healthcare Solutions play a critical role in a larger operational system and offers two resources for consideration when reviewing the larger payer operational landscape.

Value-Based Contract Barriers for Innovative Medicines

2017-09-06T18:17:28-04:00By |Big Data, Managed Care, Trends|

The shift under way in payment in US health care - from volume to value - has sparked interest in new contracting arrangements to pay for prescription drugs. The objective of these new arrangements is to reward successful outcomes of medication use in patients, rather than pay based on the volume of drugs sold. Unfortunately, value-based contract barriers stand in the way of one approach to managing drug costs and obtaining better value for money spent. However, achieving the full potential of these contracts will necessitate regulatory and other changes.

Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes: 1st Annual National Report

2017-09-05T18:03:16-04:00By |Big Data, Managed Care, Population Health, Trends, Uncategorized|

The purpose of this first annual surveillance report is to summarize the latest information available on the national level for various drug-related risks and health outcomes, health behaviors, and prescribing patterns related to the drug problem in the United States. The most recent year of information available is different for different outcomes. The emphasis is on national information, but some state information is also presented. This document is intended to serve as a resource for payers, providers, and pharma companies charged with addressing this ongoing national problem. It will be updated annually.

Key Payer Competitive Differentiator: Analytics

2017-08-24T18:37:35-04:00By |Big Data, Financial, Financial Analysis, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Trends|

Many health plans are facing uncertainties: the changing health insurance landscape, the speed at which value–based care is approaching, and growing demands from customers, to name a few. But one investment may help executives meet each of these challenges—an investment in analytics. Health plans are data rich, yet those data are not always leveraged to understand what happened and why, or predict what is likely to happen. Health plans that don't take advantage of their data may risk being disrupted and left behind. Analytics can be a key payer competitive differentiator setting your organization ahead of the pack.

Margin Defense & Revenue Cycle Management: 8 Challenges

2017-07-04T19:58:23-04:00By |Big Data, Financial Analysis, Health Insurance, Lean Management|

Payers and providers connect, both formally and informally, through the reimbursement process. In past times, the relationships were stormy. Today, market forces push the need for better understanding of margin defense and revenue cycle performance. Streamlining internal operations addresses many of these new market demands. For example, patients demand higher value for care pushing more review of claims which push greater need for consistent documentation.  

13 Tips for HEDIS Success

2017-05-11T12:11:22-04:00By |Big Data|

HEDIS is a tool used by 90% of America’s Health Plans to gauge performance on crucial aspects of care and service. By standardizing the way health plans collect, analyze, and report performance information and data, HEDIS creates an equal playing field for all health plans (who use HEDIS) to be compared. The tool is also used by health plans to learn which area they can improve in. On the other end, employers, consultants, and patients use HEDIS data to help them select the best health plan for their needs.

CMS Release Gold Mine of Data for Benchmarking Your Operations

2023-09-08T15:45:10-04:00By |Big Data, Physician Advisor/Peer Review|

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released Part 2 in a set of data that details information on prescription drugs prescribed by individual physicians and other health care providers and paid for under the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program. The CMS believes that The Part D Prescriber PUF data will provide healthcare professionals with important information to drive change within the industry. “These data enable a wide range of analyses on the type of prescription drugs paid for under the Medicare Part D program, and on prescription drug utilization and spending generally.”

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