Financial Experts in Healthcare

5 Ways Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Reduces Errors & Increases Revenue

2017-04-02T13:28:09-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Financial, Financial Analysis, Revenue Cycle Improvement, Services|

With new advances in the way medical information is transcribed, stored and transferred, technology has created more variables to a provider’s success than ever before. Between tangling with mountains worth of paperwork, handling claims denials and riding the learning curve of new systems like EHRs and ICD-10 coding, there can be lots of room for error and, consequently, potential revenue that slips through the cracks. Luckily, revenue cycle management systems are here to help. They can streamline a vast array of your most intensive processes — like admitting, coding, balancing budgets, billing and filing claims — in order to provide a supreme level of oversight and control. This control in turn helps you avoid common RCM problems that lead to lost revenue, profitability and productivity.

ICD-10: The Countdown is Over – BHM’s Last Minute Tips

2017-12-01T15:54:20-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Financial, Organizational Analysis, Services|

October 1st is here and with it arrives ICD-10. Whether the looming implementation date of the new codes sent your organization into a state of urgency or the date felt like a non-event, ICD-10 is here. There will be a strong focus on the transition to ICD-10 in the coming months and we know it isn't going to be easy, as resources and employees get allocated to fix errors and educate staff. It's important to remember that focus and communication will be key to get through the ICD-10 era. To help make this transition less overwhelming we have complied a list of seven last minute tips to help you successfully transition to ICD-10.

Common Revenue Cycle Management Pitfalls to Avoid

2023-10-06T12:13:01-04:00By |Financial, Revenue Cycle Improvement|

When asked what the key to success is, most business owners will tell you the ability to stay competitive in the marketplace. Staying competitive is particularly important in the health care field where the financial success of a physician practice is fundamentally based on provider productivity and revenue cycle management. A practice that’s unable to reduce revenue leaks and increase their bottom line will have a hard time staying afloat. When it comes to minimizing costs and managing revenue, medical practices of all sizes make the same mistakes. Here are 7 common RCM pitfalls to avoid at all costs.

Social Media and Healthcare: 3 Infographics To Read Today

2023-10-06T12:20:36-04:00By |Big Data, Financial, Health Care Reform, Healthcare IT, Services|

We've talked a lot about how the use of social media in healthcare can be very rewarding. From helping improve patient satisfaction to creating a strong community online, social media has helped revolutionize certain aspects of the healthcare industry. It's important not to shy away from social media, as it's the perfect way to connect with your patients and clients. Remember - having a strong online presence is crucial for growth in a modern healthcare world. Here are 3 great infographics that will give you some insight into how social media and healthcare work together to improve the patient experience.

2015 Trends for Rural Hospitals and Rural Healthcare

2023-10-06T12:10:07-04:00By |Financial, Health Care Reform, Healthcare IT, Quality Improvement Programs, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

According to the NC Rural Health Research Program there have been 56 rural hospital closures since 2010. The reasons behind the closures may vary but the message rings true, rural hospitals are struggling and something needs to be done. From difficulties implanting new HER systems to the re-evaluation of Medicare reimbursements, rural hospitals are looking for new ways to stay afloat. We’ve selected 4 trends that we’ve seen buzzing in the rural healthcare sector this year and that have been helping rural hospitals make the changes they need to succeed.

The 5 Biggest Challenges Healthcare Leaders are Facing in 2015

2023-10-06T12:24:49-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Population Health, Quality Improvement Programs, Services|

2015 has been a big year of change for many healthcare systems. With this change, healthcare leaders have been faced with many challenges, including complying with new federal regulations and making strategic moves towards better care. We've compiled a list of the five biggest challenges we've found healthcare leaders facing this year.

Join Us 7/29 For Our Free Webinar on the Secrets to Accreditation Success!

2017-04-02T13:28:13-04:00By |Accreditation, Compliance, Financial, NCQA Accreditation, News and Events, Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation, URAC Accreditation, Webinars|

If your accreditation has cost your organization more time, money, and internal resources than you had thought and you still feel like you are not prepared for your survey/audit, then this is one informational session you won't want to miss! During Wednesday's live webinar we will be answering these questions and many more! Based on years of consulting experience we have identified the hallmarks of organizations that are successful in the accreditation process, and are excited to share them with you. As an added bonus we will share tips on how to maximize your Accreditation ROI with a post accreditation checklist that every organization should utilize to get the maximum mileage and ROI from their accreditation.

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