Trends in Healthcare

Health System CEOs Share ‘What Keeps Them Awake’ In Survey

2017-12-12T18:52:47-04:00By |Lean Management, Operational Analysis, Organizational Analysis, Population Health, Trends|

CEOs at hospitals and health systems are faced with increasing headwinds as they look to move forward in an uncertain environment. So what are the key issues and trends CEOs are facing? Deloitte interviewed 20 health system CEOs this year to find out. While none of the key themes emerging from our interviews have really changed since Deloitte last spoke with health system CEOs, the urgency certainly has. Instead of thinking about these issues in a futuristic sense, CEOs are ready to address and tackle them now. 

Telemedicine Services Demand Pressures Payers

2017-12-05T22:43:20-04:00By |Telehealth and Telemedicine, Trends|

2017 Telemedicine and Digital Health Survey reflects a surging demand for telemedicine services among providers and patients, and a broader acceptance of the technology by other major players in the health care industry. In the 2014 inaugural survey three years ago, 87 percent of respondents did not expect their patients to be using telemedicine services by this time. However, according to this year’s survey, those expectations have been defied with approximately three-quarters of respondents currently offering, or planning to offer, such services, and also having strong intentions to grow those programs (53 percent).

Healthcare Consumer Engagement Gap With Payers: They Want…?

2017-10-30T15:05:35-04:00By |Big Data, Health Insurance, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Trends|

Change Healthcare (CH) announced payer insights revealed in The Engagement Gap: Healthcare Consumer Engagement in 2017, a new national study of 89 payers, 251 providers, and 771 consumers. CH asked payers about the factors influencing their consumer-centric initiatives, and how these strategies are altering their organizations. Health plans surveyed were generally aligned in pointing to value-based care as the primary factor driving their focus on consumer-centricity, with 74% reporting it as the leading factor.

2018 Health Plan Star Ratings Released By CMS

2017-10-12T00:07:48-04:00By |Medicare and Medicaid, News and Events, Trends|

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the Star Ratings for the 2018 Medicare health and drug plans. With the release of the Star Ratings, people with Medicare will have improved access to high-quality health choices for their Medicare coverage in 2018. This news comes on the heels of the recent release of the benefit and premium information for Medicare health and drug plans which shows that there will be more health coverage choices and decreased premiums in 2018.

Health Plans Hit New Low: 360° View Of Trust In Healthcare

2017-10-03T19:26:16-04:00By |Big Data, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Trends|

Findings from the 11th Annual ReviveHealth Trust Index™ reveal trust in healthcare is dismal across the board, and trust in health plans hit new low. The survey represents the first 360-degree view of trust in healthcare – digging into consumer, physician, health plan, and health system executives’ views of each other – showing the industry as a whole has a long way to go. Factors driving widespread distrust in health plans by provider organizations include the hassle of doing business with payers and a lack of progress toward new models of payment and care. Consumers feel slighted by health plans as well, compared to the higher trust ratings in physicians and hospitals.

Behavioral Health Challenges, Changes For America

2017-09-14T15:44:42-04:00By |Behavioral Health Integration, Mental Health Parity, Trends|

Population trend data outlines the behavioral health challenges and changes occurring throughout the United States. For payers, understanding the movement of population segments help estimate coverage patterns and potential for claims submissions. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) released an annual survey of the population of the United States ages 12 years or older. The main First Findings Report contains a cross-section of NSDUH data on substance use and substance use disorders, mental health issues among adults and adolescents, and co-occurring disorders.

Uninsured Numbers Growing In Unexpected Areas, Survey Finds

2017-09-12T17:44:47-04:00By |Health Care Reform, News and Events, Quality Improvement Programs, Trends|

There was a significant change in uninsured numbers growing for people ages 35 to 49, adults making more than 400 percent of the federal poverty level ($47,520 for an individual and $97,200 for a family of four), and those living in states that have not expanded Medicaid, according to a new Commonwealth Fund survey. Policy fixes like expanding Medicaid in all states, making premium subsidies available to more people, and assisting consumers as they shop for coverage on the marketplaces, the report finds, could address some of the barriers the uninsured face in gaining coverage.

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